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100 x 100m Swimming Relay

100 x 100m Swimming Relay
15th June 2018 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Basildon Sporting Village

We are pleased to announce that the club will be supporting the Royal British Legion appeal this year along with GB Swimstars as we take part in the 100 x 100m swimming relay.

Following discussions Doug has agreed for this to take place on Friday 15th June 2018 starting at 6:30pm.  We have selected this start time to ensure we have the most swimmers from the squads that Doug has selected to swim in this event.

It’s anticipated that the event will take approx 2 hours.  This will mean that some squads will have their times adjusted on the night to ensure they have a sufficient warm up before taking part.Details around this will be sent out separately.

There is a fund raising page set up which can be accessed by the following link.


We would like to ask all members to consider a donation for this cause.For us as a club it’s about remembering the sacrifices that were, and that continue to be made by others, and a chance for all members of this club to show that ‘We will remember them’.  We hope you will all support this cause.  Further details on this event are available at  http://werememberthem.org.uk

BPSC Committee